
Showing posts from May, 2019

Week 15 & 16

Hey everyone, it's May 14th and a month from now I will be done at the University of Oregon. I can't believe how fast time has flown, but I've really enjoyed it. I'm starting to dread coming back home since I've made a lot of relationships here and have to say goodbye to it all. The past week, however, I've felt pretty ill and it was the first time I've been sick the whole time I've been here. I'm getting over it now though, and I'm ready to enjoy these last few weeks. My friends from South Carolina are coming to visit me for a week after I finish finals since my lease doesn't end until June 30th. They want to see the coast, Portland, and crater lake (the main sights in Oregon). They also talked about seeing the last Blockbuster in the world which happens to be in Oregon. It's in Bend, Oregon though which is a couple hours east of Eugene and surrounded by virtually nothing. Nonetheless, I'm just looking forward to them experiencing wh...